In this photo series, captured at the end of spring in the Swiss mountains with model Irina, photographer Pascal Uehli delved into the atmospheric elements of nature. Despite the less-than-ideal weather conditions—cold winds and mist—Uehli found inspiration in the raw and moody atmosphere surrounding him.

Against the backdrop of fog and chilly winds, the imagery evokes a sense of raw beauty and introspection. Uehli’s deliberate choice to shoot amidst these conditions adds depth and authenticity to the narrative he seeks to convey. Through skillful composition and attention to detail, the series captures the essence of the rugged Swiss landscape, while Irina’s presence adds a touch of human vulnerability amidst the elements.

The juxtaposition of the harsh weather and the delicate beauty of Irina creates a compelling visual story, one that resonates with the complexities of nature and human emotion. Uehli’s ability to find beauty in the midst of adversity is evident in this captivating series, which invites viewers to immerse themselves in the raw, unfiltered essence of the Swiss mountainscape.

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